This weekend the backyard BBQ season begins! With Memorial Day just around the corner, everyone is spending the next couple of days gathering the ingredients for the delicious cookouts that are about to go down. When we think of Memorial Day Weekend, two things come to mind BBQ and beer (of course besides honoring those who have given their lives serving the country). Now, just as any good American, we love to knock a few cold ones back, especially if they are organic.

About a year ago, we did an article on why buying organic beer is so important. During our research for that article, we quickly learned that conventional beers largely use hops that have been treated with pesticides. These pesticides not only seep into the soil and groundwater surrounding the farm, but they end up in your beer bottle, only to be swallowed and ingested by you.  This doesn’t sound too appealing, especially when you are trying to get your party on.

Luckily, there is another delicious choice out there: organic beer. And the best part is there aren’t just a few choices but many! We thought in honor of our all American holiday coming in just a few days, we would discuss a few of our favorite organic beers. So here is your Autonomie Project guide to Organic Beer! 

First up on our list is the wonderful small craft beer company based in Maine, Peak Organic. This delicious brewery only uses the finest of organic hops. Their beers are USDA organic certified and they offer great flavors including basic IPAs, ales, and interesting flavors including Pomegranate Ale and Espresso Ale.

We also love Bison Brewing in Berkeley, CA. This awesome eco-friendly brewery is listed on the Top 15 Eco Friendly Breweries by USA Today. Not only is their beer organic, but they purchase carbon offsets and their packaging is made from recycled materials. They offer only a couple of options including an IPA, Chocolate Stout, and interesting single favorites such as Honey Basil Ale and Gingerbread Ale.

Going back to New England, Wolver’s Orgnic Brewing from Middlebury, Vermont provides some delicious organic brewskis.  Their yummy organic hops are actually grown right here in the US (many others use organic Hops from outside the country). Wolver’s not only provides tasty classic beers but they also have a line of organic ciders!

There are also several breweries that offer certain organic beers, but not all their beer is certified. One of our favorites is New Belgium Brewery which is worker owned and run on wind power. Although they currently offer only one organic beer, Mothership Wit Wheat Beer, according to emails we have exchanged with them, they plan to add more to their line in the near future. For other organic beers, look for North Coast Brewing Cru d’Or, Samuel Smith’s Organic Lager, and Lakefront Brewery’s Organic ESB.

For a full list of organic certified breweries and breweries who make some organic beers, check out this great list from Craft Beer. Happy Memorial Day and Cheers!!