Everybody loves to dress up for Halloween. Some choose something scary like vampires, witches, and black cats, while others choose fantasy like fairies and elves, while still others go for pop culture references. Whatever the costume, Halloween is always a fun time.  But is there a way to make Halloween a learning experience? Have you ever thought of a costume with a meaning? Since it is Fair Trade Month, we thought we’d come up with a few costume ideas that have a cause. The following are some fun ideas that are sure to get the party conversation started.

Costumes with a Cause

1) Fair Trade Logo:  Dress up as the Fair Trade Certified Logo. An easy way to do this would be to sew together a stretch suit of black and white. You can also carry two coffee mugs, one black, one white . And if you want to drive home the message, consider carrying a sign that says “Fair Trade Certified.” That way when people ask what you are, you can explain Fair Trade in general.

2) Fair Trade Farmer: Dress in some work clothes and a farming hat. Make sure to look healthy, happy, and well fed. You could also carry some farm tools and a sign with the Fair Trade logo on it. If someone says, “Oh you’re a farmer!” you can respond that you are actually a “Fair Trade farmer.”

3) Fair Trade Coffee: Probably the single most recognized Fair Trade product is coffee. Find a burlap sack or a large coffee bean bag and turn it into a dress. You can add coffee beans to the outside for extra effect and be sure to add the “Fair Trade Certified” logo!

4) Sweatshop Worker: In case you want to show what can happen without Fair Trade certification, dress up in your best interpretation of an overworked and underpaid sweatshop worker. Find some factory worker’s uniform. Be sure to put bags under your

eyes and dirty your clothes. You could even go barefoot for extra effect. Another great idea for a couple’s costume is for one to go as a sweatshop worker while the other goes as a happy Fair Trade farmer. You’ll be sure to get the party conversation started that way!

5) Fair Trade Head to Toe: Dress in Fair Trade clothing from head to toe and represent Fair Trade Month. You can find Fair Trade goods in almost everything from jewelry, hats, tees, pants, dresses, and even shoes!  When someone asks you what you are supposed to be, explain you are a walking example of Fair Trade Month!