As Fair Trade and environmentally friendly consumers, we try our best to put our ethics before anything, including our wallets. Ethically made products can be a bit more expensive than conventional items, however, using your money as your voice is incredibly important in this modern economy. Purchasing ethically makes sense to many of us, but it is also essential to set an example for our younger generations. Ethical products are growing day by day and so many amazing items are available. This includes products for all the children out there!

From Fair Trade sports balls to recycled toys and even eco friendly diapers, there is a plethora of ethical children’s items on the market. During the holidays the web was bustling with great socially conscious and earth friendly suggestions for children’s gifts. And even we at Autonomie Project have taken on the Children’s market with our Fair Trade and Organic Children’s Clothing line Little Green Radicals and Ethletic Sneakers. And we aren’t the only ones, many companies provide parents with eco friendly ways to dress their little tykes. 

As ethical consumers we know that these items aren’t cheap but setting an example to the children in our lives is priceless. Whether they be our own, our nephews or nieces, or even our friend’s children, starting them young on smart and conscious choices is incredibly important. It may seem like buying one organic t-shirt or one recycled toy is a minor thing, but setting these examples early in life makes a huge impact. We need to pass these ideas and choices on to our youth so that the next generation can create better products and make even better decisions than our own.

So without sounding too preachy, just please keep this in mind the next time a birthday or Christmas rolls around or even the next time you need to purchase an everyday item for a child. After all living by example is one of the most influential ways for a child to learn and with the risk of sounding cliche, the youth are our future.  So please pass the ethical torch.