Have you ever wondered where your stuff comes from…or more importantly where it goes after you’re done with it? Have you looked around and realized how much STUFF you actually have and how it even accumulated to be so much? OR have you ever gone so far as to think about what YOUR stuff is doing to the planet and the people that live on it?

Introducing the kind-of long but definitely worthwhile online video The Story of Stuff.

The Story of Stuff is a truly enlightening, fact-filled portrayal of human consumption at its worst, or, er…what it’s like in today’s world. The video’s hostess, Annie Leonard, walks you clearly and realistically through all of the environmental and social connections within our consumption cycles and then inspires you to take action and make positive changes within your own consumption patterns to (hopefully) make the planet a better, healthier place. As their website states, “It’ll teach you something, it’ll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever“, and we couldn’t agree more!

Sponsored by the Tides Foundation, a social justice & equal economic opportunity non-profit, and The Funders Workgroup for Sustainable Production and Consumption, an advocacy group for healthy and environmentally-friendly consumption, The Story of Stuff has grown over the past year to feature a screening kit (including tips, invitations and group activities if you want to host your own neighborhood screening), posters, a DVD, and has garnered over 2 million views!!

If we haven’t yet convinced you that this is the type of video that makes us want to become school teachers just so that we can get to the children before they buy too many ipod skins, then check out this teaser and make sure to check out the full version at www.TheStoryofStuff.com.